Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 SS_Hist Of Us Since 1877

Week 7 SS_Hist Of Us Since 1877

Q What does the Emitt Till story tell us about the cultural differences between the North and the South in the 1950’s?What role did the Church play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?What role did white women play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?Why did the Boycott ultimately succeed?

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The major cultural difference was the interaction between the whites and blacks and whites in the North and in the South. The north had abolished slavery a lot before the South and racism was not that deep in the North. that is the reason why many blacks from the South migrated to the North because there they were not segregated like that in the South. Emitt Till came from the North and therefore for him not talking to a white woman was an unknown law. He had been doing same in the North but nothing happened but here he was killed.